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04.01.2013 | 0 comments

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Merry Xmas

... and a happy new year!

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Thank you to all our users, partners, donators and contributers which supported us during the year 2012.
The year 2013 will be surely exiting. We will release a new DSPlayer version and some new products will be introduced. As you've seen we started to release pascal codes for developers (2012) in the hope that they are useful. Because of several possitive feedbacks according to the source code releases, we decided to process with them next year, too.

Please donate
That we can provide you further with quality free- and opensource software any financial help is welcome. If you like the DSPlayer project please donate some amount. Made donations are stictly used for the DSPlayer project only. With your donation you support activ the idea of free and opensource software and push DSPlayer a step forward.

BTFilestream for developers
The VCL TFiIestream class causes in some Delphi versions problems on big file sizes and file sharing modes. BTFileStream do not have this issues, provides a error handling close to the windows api and could be very useful if you have troubles with the Delphi integrated TFilestream implementation.

* 32- and 64bit filesizes
* read-write network files
* Ansi and Unicode File names
* class error handling
* system error handling

Click here to download BTFileStream

03.01.2013 | 0 comments

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For developers: "Count the cpu's of your machine incl. Hyper-Threading detection"

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At these days nearly every computer offers multible cpu-cores. On cpu extensive operations it makes a lot of sense use to the power of some or all available cpu's. To know the number of available cpu's (hyper-threaded, logical and physical) will enable developers to open a correct/selective the number of threads which makes applications running smooth on the underlying hardware. BTCpuCount shows how to read the number of hyper-threaded, logical and physical available cpu's with Delphi using Pascal and inline assembler.

Click here to download BTCpuCount

29.11.2010 | 0 comments

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For developers: "32/64-Bit COM Objects
in Lazarus"

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Microsoft COM (Component Object Model) technology in the Microsoft Windows-family of Operating Systems enables software components to communicate.

Writing 32/64bit COM objects with the Lazarus shipped library is not very comfortable, but with the BTComObj.pas unit Lazarus devopers can build COM Objects as easy like in Delphi.

Click here to download BTComObj for Lazarus

28.10.2010 | 0 comments

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BTRegSvr is released!

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With the BTRegSvr tool (BTRegsvr32.exe/BTRegsvr64.exe), you can register even recordable OLE controls such as DLL or OCX files (ActiveX controls) and cancel its registration.
This may be necessary to resolve certain problems with Windows, Microsoft Internet Explorer or other programs.

BTRegSvr is an alternative to Microsoft's RegSvr tool. Since Windows Vista/Win7 it can happen that Microsoft's RegSvr do not succeeed un/registering modules, because some of them require admin rights to execute and not all users are aware of to run RegSvrin admin mode. BTRegSvr forces to use the admin mode in Windows Vista/Win7.

BTRegSvr is available in a 32bit and 64bit version. It's is free for use. You can Redistribute, copy and include the tool in any kind of software you like without any limitations.

Supported OS: Win98 up to Win7

Click here to download BTRegSvr


06.10.2010 | 0 comments
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